The BHS Music Boosters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization set up to enhance the world-class music program offered at Branham High School in San Jose, California. The booster organization is run by unpaid volunteers; all parents of band and color guard students in the music program. The Music Boosters are enthusiastic and driven supporters of this amazing high school music and color guard program which has provided unequaled opportunities for the students at Branham High School.
We appreciate all donations, big or small, that you make to our program!
How to Donate to Our Program – All donations benefit the entire program. Donators may, however, indicate a preference for specific use (e.g. instruments, uniforms, trailers, etc.) or on behalf of a student’s family toward their pledge commitment. If you are making a tax-deductible donation, or a company matching donation, we have conveniently provided our tax-deduction information here
Donate by Check
You can donate by writing a check to the “BHS Music Boosters” and sending it to the attention of the Booster’s Treasurer at:
BHS Music Booster’s Treasurer
1570 Branham Lane
San Jose, CA 95118
Specify if the donation is for a specific event, for a specific student or for the general fund. Please indicate if you would like to have a donation letter sent to you for tax purposes (only applicable if you have not received any goods or services).
Donate by Credit Card
You can also donate online using a credit or debit card below. The transaction will be completed securely using PayPal. The Music Boosters will not see or handle your card information.
You will enter the amount of your donation and your card information on PayPal’s website after you click on the “Donate” button. A PayPal account is not required.